The Spirit of Hospitality

At Nakanobo, we are guided the teachings of Sen no Rikyu and his "Seven Precepts of Rikyu", the most important lessons for mastering the art of tea ceremony.
We diligently practice the spirit of each of these precepts every single day.

The Spirit of Hospitality | Arima Grand Hotel

Seven Precepts of Rikyu

  • Tea should be made with the intention of treating your guest like your finest clothing.
  • Charcoal should be placed in the hearth as if it were boiling water.
  • Flowers should be arranged as if they were in a field.
  • In summer, offer coolness; in winter, warmth.
  • Time should be managed efficiently.
  • Even when it's not raining, have an umbrella ready.
  • Pay attention to your guests even before they arrive, as if they were already there.
The Spirit of Hospitality | Arima Grand Hotel The Spirit of Hospitality | Arima Grand Hotel
The Spirit of Hospitality | Arima Onsen

Ichi-go ichi-e

Sen no Rikyu also emphasizes the concept of "Ichi-go ichi-e" – the idea that the moment is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter – at tea gatherings. It urges both the host and guest to be fully present in the moment.

We believe that each day for our guests is an irreplaceable one, and we always strive to welcome them with heartfelt and wholehearted hospitality.

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